Cocohagen Cocoa x 25 stk - økologisk
Vores absolutte bestseller og pioner: Cocoa.
Den allerførste variant i Cocohagens historie og stadig enhver kakaoelskers drøm 💜
Cocohagen Cocoa er fyldt med 100% mørk, ren kakao, store, ristede mandler, fede, søde cashewnødder, juicy dadler og den er rullet i kokos. Som resten af vores sortiment, er Cocohagen Cocoa produceret i Humlebæk, udelukkende ved brug af naturlige råvarer, uden brug af tilsat sukker, uden tilsætningsstoffer og uden konserveringsmidler. Den er både gluten- og laktosefri. 100% økologisk og plantebaseret.
Cocohagen Cocoa er historisk gået fra at være en 50 grams basse i rund romkugleform, pakket i cellofan – til at være en mere mundret trøffel, pakket i 100% genanvendelig folie. Asbjørn, manden bag Cocohagen og den tidligere politibetjent fra Stenbroen, som altid har en røverhistorie i ærmet, fortæller i det interimistiske videostudie historien om Cocohagen Cocoa – som tidligere hed Pure Cocoa. Hvorfor hed den “Pure”? Hvad er der i den? Og hvor meget ved han egentlig talt om dadler?? Ved at dykke ned i historien om (Pure) Cocoa, dannes et godt billede af en virksomheds opstart, 10 tons hånd-udstenede dadler og en mission om smag og forkælelse: Se videoen her.
Dadler*, 10,4% mandler*, cashewnødder*, 5,6% kakaopulver*, kokos*, kakaosmør*, mandelolie* og Pink Himalayasalt. *=Økologisk. Kan indeholde spor af andre nødder.
Disse cocohagen vejer 20 gram.
Der er 25 styk i boxen.
Our absolute bestseller and pioneer: Cocoa.
The very first variant in Cocohagen's history and still every cocoa lover's dream 💜 Cocohagen Cocoa is filled with 100% dark, pure cocoa, large roasted almonds, rich, sweet cashew nuts, juicy dates and it is rolled in coconut. Like the rest of our range, Cocohagen Cocoa is produced in Humlebæk, exclusively using natural ingredients, without added sugar, additives, or preservatives. It is both gluten and lactose-free. 100% organic and plant-based.
Cocohagen Cocoa has historically evolved from being a 50-gram chunk in round truffle form, wrapped in cellophane – to being a more bite-sized truffle, packed in 100% recyclable foil. Asbjørn, the man behind Cocohagen and the former police officer from Stenbroen, who always has a story up his sleeve, tells the story of Cocohagen Cocoa in the makeshift video studio – which used to be called Pure Cocoa. Why was it called “Pure”? What’s in it? And how much does he really know about dates?? By delving into the history of (Pure) Cocoa, a good picture is formed of a company's startup, 10 tons of hand-pitted dates and a mission of taste and indulgence: Watch the video here.
Dates*, 10.4% almonds*, cashew nuts*, 5.6% cocoa powder*, coconut*, cocoa butter*, almond oil* and Pink Himalayan salt. *=Organic. May contain traces of other nuts.
These Cocohagen weigh 20 grams each.
There are 25 pieces in the box.
Næringsindhold/Nutritional information | /100g |
Energi / Energy | 1581,4 KJ/378,2 kcal |
Fedt / Fat |
13,2 g |
-Heraf mættede fedtsyre / Saturated fat | 3,4 g |
Kulhydrater / Carbohydrates | 53,3 g |
-Heraf sukkerarter / Of which sugars |
50,1 g |
Kostfibre / Dietary fiber | 8,6 g |
Protein | 7,0 g |
Salt / Sodium | 0,2 g |
Praktiske detaljer / Practical details
Vi garanterer minimum 4 måneders holdbarhed.
Cocohagen er pakket i 100% genanvendelig, ikke-metalliseret folie, produceret i Danmark ( Horsens ), som affaldssorteres som blød plast (PE-PP). Vi pakker i FSC-certificeret bølgepap, trykt med vandfarver, produceret i Danmark ( Grenaa ). Tapen omkring vores forsendelser er en biobaseret papirtape, produceret i Sverige.
We guarantee a minimum shelf life of 4 months.
Cocohagen is packaged in 100% recyclable, non-metallized foil, produced in Denmark (Horsens), which is sorted as soft plastic (PE-PP) waste. We use FSC-certified corrugated cardboard, printed with water-based inks, produced in Denmark (Grenaa). The tape around our shipments is a bio-based paper tape, produced in Sweden.